Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dateline vancouver, bc
Business owners always are looking for ways to lower operating costs. Telecom is a big one to reduce but without reducing the resources effectiveness. They don't know how to do.

But we do.

We are lowering businesses telecom line costs by 30-50% per month routinely.

Its not easy for us- but we made it easy for business. Just call me (Tom) for a FlexAudit of your business phone bill.

When is the last time THAT happened? Probably never.

Is it too early to start lowering telecom costs?

Find out what one business manager thought.

Have you heard about our iphone business line app? iFlexCall!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dateline: Vancouver, BC. TMSI.
Great Article that shows a new Paradigm shift in Telecom Technology....again.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Date line Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Dateline: Vancouver, BC
TMSI has succeeded in working inside Google's SEO playbook. We are now top ranked on the first page of Google with our desired geo-location and keywords of business phone systems and Nortel service and repair! Now the refining and testing begins.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Really? Do businesses want to dump the desk phone for a softphone?
Michael Brandenburg, Technical Editor for writes. "Plenty of vendors tell unified communications managers that it's time to throw their wired desk phones in the trash, whether it's Microsoft and IBM pushing softphone applications on laptops or mobile carriers advocating smartphones. Ditching the desk phone is tempting, but is anyone really doing it?"

"Although our desktops are stable, I don't think we're ready to take the leap to having both voice and data on one device, except in specific applications like road warriors," said Steve Brescia, manager of ITS enterprise architecture for New Jersey-based American Water.

Check out out response at