Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I should comment that the current phone system was working fine but they were moving in a week and had not gotten quotes sooner
Flexblog post by Thomas MacDonald dateline in Vancouver, BC October 19, 2010

Earlier this week I had a sales emergency to attend to! I know that sounds unusual but I had a poor harried receptionist e-mail me urgently asking for a quote because the boss needed a new phone system right away. It took a couple of days to get the 143 page phone bill over to me and by the time I got the quotation back to them two business days later the poor receptionist said the boss couldn't wait anymore and had to buy a phone system from someone else . It's too bad because after I did my flex analysis on their phone bill. I found out that even getting a brand-new phone system and paying for it - They still could put over $200 every month back on to their bank account! Have you ever noticed that a lack of planning often cost you a lot of extra time and unfortunately, as in this case alot of extra money. In this case well over $2500 in the first year alone.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

If you're in a business that has four or more business telephone lines - my business can help lower your business costs every month.

But the catch is - are you going to Care enough to look into it?

Most businesses want to lower costs, are looking for ways to lower their costs, but they're also trying to increase sales and revenue.

It's a never-ending battle that goes on in millions of small businesses across North America. I'm not saying that I can turn your business around.
However, if you are looking to lower your costs easily and effectively and put positive cash flow back into your business from one of your major office products which I can assure you no one else can do then you need to look at this suggestion.

The easiest way to do this is to just read my blogs. Simply Google TMSi blogs.
Or YouTube TMSI phonebill. The fastest way to do this is to pick up the phone and call me at 1-800-667-2818. Ask for me- Tom