Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Flexlines remains untouched by the latest ruling involving the CRTC and usage based billing of Internet access.

Monday, November 14, 2011

With snow on the way, watch the mad rush to Canadian Tire begin...! @tmsiTweet

Thursday, November 10, 2011

DATELINE: Vancouver, BC

A 2007 statistics Canada study found that 40% of businesses in Canada had their own website and just 7% of small businesses sell online . My company telephony managed solutions has improved its online strategy and added over $120,000 to its annual revenue in the last nine months and I can help you.

We're not just a telecommunications company- we're a Communications company.

Tom Mac Donald,
Owner Telephony Managed Solutions.
c.  604.720.8102
d.  604.571.6405
f.   604.571.6455

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