Friday, September 23, 2011

Dateline: Vancouver, BC September 24th,2011

Who could believe that a local pub had to sell 2,333 more pints of beer a year? Just to cover the wasted money going to Telus every month for services they didn't even have!
A simple call to me from their manager ended a cash drain that lasted since 1985! And they didn't even realize it. Now with flexlines and a new phone system going in next month, beer profits will be pouring into their bank account and not Telus.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dateline: Vancouver BC
While RIM is not another Nortel- there is no suffocating debt- management is seeing their company pull a Thelma and Louise. Wow how fast things change.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dateline: Vancouver, BC
September 19,2010

As most businesses are under 20 employees in Canada, and a greater number of those in the 1-5 person category, it's not surprising that large business finds a great percentage of their revenue stream comes this sector. The many supporting the few. Though it is interesting to note that technology has allowed better, more competitive services to be offered by smaller businesses. Business Telecommunications is a good example. TMSI returning millions to small businesses by delivering a better service for less.